Once upon a time there was a girl who loved shoes. As she grew into a woman, she fell in love with heels. Her love grew into an obsession, so much so that she amassed a huge (some may say ridiculous) collection of heels. She wore these heels every day to work and to all sorts of other events. But she found that her love for shoes was overshadowed by blisters, burns and sensitive foot soles. She started to wrap her feet with bandages every morning--five per foot, fifteen minutes each day (not to mention the cost of the bandages). Something had to be done! Surely, there were other women out there who loved shoes and hated pain. She searched the market high and low in hopes of finding a product that would fit her needs, but to her surprise, no one had a simple solution to her shoe-loving woes. She continued wrapping her feet for a decade, as she dreamed of comfort in heels.
It's a difficult task to bring a simple idea to life as a product. But nothing was going to stop her: not substitutes, not rejections nor failures. It had to be done! She filed for a patent, made a working prototype, obtained a patent, went through several iterations of product trials, searched for just the right manufacturing--all while more and more testing of Solewells® continued. And voilà, almost four years later, Solewells® foot pads are a dream come true. So work hard and make it happen :)
Patent number 9516915 and other patents pending.